10 Signs God is Preparing You for Bigger Blessings


Are you seeing changes and challenges in your life? These might mean God is planning something big for you. By noticing how God is working, you can grow spiritually and get ready for the blessings He has.


The Bible shows God’s help in people’s lives. He often leads them through tough times before showing them their purpose. The signs that God is getting you ready for more might not be clear at first. But they are there if you look closely.

God’s Divine Plan Unfolding

As we walk our faith journey, we see God’s plan in our lives. Our spiritual growth comes from unexpected changes and challenges. These help us get ready for the next part of our lives.

By accepting these new seasons, even when they’re hard, we trust God’s perfect plan for us.

Recognizing the Signs of Spiritual Growth

A deeper desire for prayer and closeness with God is a sign of growth. As we get closer to Him, we want more time with Him. We seek His wisdom and listen for His guidance.

This hunger for the divine shows God is working in our lives. He’s getting us ready for something big.

Embracing New Seasons of Life

Walking with God means facing new seasons, some with big changes or challenges. It’s key to welcome these seasons with an open heart. This way, we’re ready to receive God’s blessings and growth.

Being open to change lets God work in amazing ways. This step is hard but necessary as we follow God’s plan.

By noticing spiritual growth signs and accepting new seasons, we grow in trust. As we journey with God, we know He’s making everything work for our good and His glory.

Persistent Challenges as a Blessing in Disguise

We all face tough times in life. But these challenges can be good for us. Just like gold gets stronger when heated, God uses hard times to make us stronger too.

When we face spiritual tests or big problems, it’s not because God has left us. It’s a chance for us to grow closer to Him. By facing these challenges with faith, we find the hidden blessings God has for us.

  • Persistent challenges can refine our character and deepen our relationship with God.
  • Overcoming obstacles can build our resilience and equip us for the next season of life.
  • Viewing difficulties as blessings in disguise can shift our perspective and cultivate a grateful heart.
  • Trusting in God’s purpose during times of adversity can strengthen our faith and lead to greater spiritual fulfillment.

Remember, God’s plan is always bigger than ours. By facing our challenges with an open heart, we unlock the blessings within. This makes us ready to fulfill God’s purpose for our lives.

Letting Go of the Old to Make Room for the New

God’s plan for us sometimes means letting go of the old. This can be hard and emotional. But it’s often needed for our growth with God.

When God Removes People or Circumstances

The author has had to leave jobs, houses, and people she loved. Each time, it led to something better. John 15:2 says God prunes us to make us bear more fruit.

Pruning in the author’s life felt hard. It made her feel empty. But it always brought something new and good.

It’s hard to accept God’s pruning. Humans have free will and may fight change. The text offers a prayer to let go and trust God’s work.

The Proverbs 31 Ministries Podcast is great for learning from the Bible. It’s hosted by Lysa TerKeurst and others. Chrystal Evans Hurst is also on Instagram and YouTube for more inspiration.

Trusting God’s timing means embracing new seasons. It’s hard to let go of the old. But it shows God’s faithfulness and prepares us for bigger blessings.

Cultivating Faith in the Unseen

In life, we sometimes must walk by faith, even when we can’t see what’s ahead. When we face change and uncertainty, having strong faith is key. This faith helps us get through tough times and prepares us for God’s blessings.

Trusting God’s plan, even when it’s hard to understand, shows we’re spiritually mature. When our faith is tested, it’s a chance to grow closer to God. By being obedient and surrendered, we can trust in God’s unseen work, knowing it will lead to more blessings.

Just like a gardener cares for seeds, we must nurture our faith. By spending time in God’s Word, praying, and being devoted, our faith grows strong. This makes us unshakeable in our trust of the unseen.

Hebrews 11:1 tells us, “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” Believing in God’s promise, even when things look dark, opens the door for miracles. These miracles are beyond what we can imagine.

The journey to faith in the unseen is not simple, but it’s worth it. Trusting in God’s plan and embracing the unseen lets us experience His full blessings. It also leads to deep spiritual growth from walking by faith.

Closed Doors and Open Opportunities

God is getting us ready for great things. Sometimes, doors that were open before now close. This can feel sad, but it means God is opening new doors for us.

Trusting God’s Timing and Plan

When doors close, we must trust God’s plan. We might not get why some doors shut. But, God is guiding us to new and better things.

It’s hard to accept changes, but we must trust God. By believing in His plan, we can face challenges. We will soon find new open opportunities.

Remember, closed doors lead to open opportunities. God’s perfect timing and divine plan are for our good. Trusting in the process, we know God is preparing us for the new seasons ahead.

The Prompting of the Holy Spirit

God is getting ready to bless you big time. You’ll start to feel the holy spirit’s nudge more. This means you’ll want to pray more and feel closer to God.

Increased Desire for Prayer and Intimacy with God

When the Holy Spirit is working in you, you’ll want to pray more. You’ll feel a strong need to be close to God. You might pray without even thinking about it, asking for God’s help and guidance.

This feeling is a sign that God is preparing something special for you. By listening to the Holy Spirit, you open yourself up to amazing changes. Your prayer life and connection with God will grow, readying you for the blessings to come.

  • Heightened awareness of God’s presence and guidance
  • A growing compulsion to spend time in prayer
  • A deeper yearning for intimacy and communion with the divine

By being open to the Holy Spirit’s guidance, you’ll grow closer to God. Trust in His timing and follow where He leads. The blessings waiting for you are incredible.

10 Signs God is Preparing You for Bigger Blessings

As you start your spiritual journey, it’s key to know God’s signs for bigger blessings. These signs often look like challenges. But with insight, you can see the growth they bring. Here are 10 signs your journey is changing for the better.

1. Persistent Challenges
If you find yourself facing continuous struggles or setbacks, it may be a sign that God is shaping your character for something greater. These challenges are not meant to defeat you but to prepare you for the bigger blessings ahead. Through these trials, you develop resilience, strength, and faith.

2. Removal of People or Circumstances
Sometimes God removes certain people or situations from your life to make room for new opportunities or blessings. It can feel painful at first, but trust that these changes are part of His plan. By letting go of what no longer serves you, you’re making space for the new and better things He has in store.

3. Closed Doors and Open Opportunities
When one door closes, it’s often because God is directing you toward a better opportunity. Closed doors can feel discouraging, but they are often blessings in disguise. Keep your heart open to the new paths that God is leading you toward, knowing that His plan is always greater than your own.

4. Prompting of the Holy Spirit
A strong, unshakable desire to pray more, read Scripture, or grow closer to God can indicate that the Holy Spirit is guiding you toward bigger blessings. These promptings are a sign that God is preparing your heart and mind for the next phase of your spiritual journey.

5. Facing Mockery and Criticism
When others doubt or criticize your faith or the path you’re on, it can be a sign that you’re headed in the right direction. Often, criticism comes before a breakthrough. Stay steadfast in your belief and trust that God is using these moments to strengthen your resolve.

6. Unexplained Peace in Difficult Situations
When you experience a deep sense of peace, even in the midst of challenges, it’s a sign that God is working in your life. This peace is the assurance that He is in control, preparing you for something greater. It’s a reminder that even when things seem uncertain, God’s plan is always in motion.

7. Growth in Patience and Perseverance
If you find yourself in a season where things aren’t happening as quickly as you’d like, God may be teaching you patience. Learning to wait on His timing is key to receiving bigger blessings. By cultivating perseverance, you’re developing the strength and endurance needed to carry the blessings God has in store for you.

8. Increasing Faith During Uncertainty
When life feels uncertain but your faith grows stronger, it’s a clear sign that God is preparing you for something bigger. Trusting God when you don’t see the full picture is a vital part of your spiritual journey. The more your faith increases, the more ready you become for the blessings He’s about to unfold.

9. Opportunities to Serve and Give
God often prepares us for bigger blessings by giving us opportunities to serve others. When you’re called to give your time, energy, or resources, it’s a sign that you’re being prepared to receive more. As you pour into others, God is preparing to pour even greater blessings into your life.

10. A Deepening Relationship with God
As you grow closer to God through prayer, worship, and studying His Word, you can sense that He is preparing you for something greater. This deepening relationship is foundational for the bigger blessings to come. The closer you are to God, the more clearly you’ll see His purpose for your life.

These signs show God is getting you ready for more. By trusting in His timing, you’ll get the life He planned for you. Stay strong, because your growth is leading to a time of great purpose and blessings.

Obstacles as Stepping Stones

In our spiritual journey, we face obstacles and challenges. They seem to block our path to growth and blessings. But, as we learn to embrace these challenges, we find they help us grow spiritually and fulfill God’s purpose for us.

Learning to Embrace Challenges

Just like the Israelites faced the walls of Jericho, we may face big challenges. But in these moments, we see God’s power and faithfulness. By trusting in His plan, we can see these obstacles as chances for spiritual growth and overcoming adversity.

The Bible says, “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose” (Romans 8:28). When we face challenges with faith, we open ourselves to God’s blessings. He uses our situations to shape us and fulfill His divine plan for us.

  • Recognize that obstacles are often stepping stones to greater spiritual growth.
  • Approach challenges with a mindset of embracing them, not resisting or getting discouraged.
  • Trust that God is working in your difficulties to fulfill His purpose for your life.
  • Seek wisdom and understanding to navigate adversity and grow stronger in your faith.

By seeing obstacles as chances for growth, we unlock the blessings God has for us. This is true even in our toughest times.

Following Divine Instructions

God prepares us for big blessings by giving us special instructions. These might not always seem right at first. But, we must follow these directions, even if they’re hard or don’t make sense.

God’s guidance can come in many ways. He might speak to us through the Holy Spirit, His Word, or trusted leaders. It’s key to listen and trust, even when we’re not sure what’s next.

  • Embrace obedience as a key to unlocking God’s blessings.
  • Trust God’s guidance and trust the process, even when it doesn’t make sense in the moment.
  • Cultivate your spiritual discernment to recognize and respond to God’s instructions.

By following God’s instructions, we show our faith. This puts us in a place to receive the blessings God has for us. The journey might be tough, but the rewards are worth it.

Facing Mockery and Criticism

God is getting you ready for great things. But, you might face jokes, bad words, or people not getting what God is doing. It’s tough to keep going when everyone seems against you.

Persevering in Faith Despite Opposition

The Bible shows people who were mocked but stayed true to God. Job kept believing in God even when his friends made fun of him. Jesus was hated and kept sharing God’s love and salvation.

When people mock or criticize you for believing, remember you’re not alone. The Son of Man was hated too. He said those who follow him will face trouble (Luke 6:22-23). But, the joy in heaven is worth any hard times here.

Stay strong in your faith and trust God’s plan. You can make it through these tough times. Keep looking forward to the reward in heaven and show the world your faith’s strength.


We looked at 10 signs that show God is getting you ready for big blessings. These signs include tough challenges and closed doors that lead to new chances. They tell us to trust God’s plan and welcome change.

Signs like the Holy Spirit’s nudges, leaving behind old things, and facing criticism are all part of God’s work. By noticing these signs and being open, you can get the amazing blessings God has for you.

Keep believing in God’s timing and plan as you move forward. Trusting in Him will help you face challenges and see new opportunities. Let God lead you, and you’ll find more blessings and purpose in your life.

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