20 Prayers for Church Growth and Unity


The church is much more than a building where people meet on Sundays. It’s a community—a big family of people who believe in God and want to grow closer to Him and to each other. Everyone in the church has a common purpose: to love God, learn more about Him, and serve others. This is how the church is meant to grow—not just by getting more people but also by becoming stronger in faith, love, and unity.

For the church to grow this way, we need to make an effort. One of the most important things we can do to help our church grow and stay united is to pray. Prayer is how we talk to God and ask for His help. When we pray, we are asking for God’s guidance, wisdom, and blessings. Whether you’re a church leader, a member, or someone who loves your church, praying for church growth and unity is a wonderful way to care for your church.

This article will share 20 prayers focused on helping your church grow stronger and more united.

20 Prayers for Church Growth and Unity

Below are 20 Prayers for Church Growth and Unity. We’ll look at four different areas of prayer: unity among church members, prayers for church leaders, prayers for church growth, and prayers for the church’s mission and outreach.

Prayers for Unity in the Church

Unity means working together and loving one another, just like a family does. Without unity, a church can easily fall apart. People might argue or disagree, and this can make it hard for the church to focus on what God has called it to do. But when everyone in the church is united, it becomes a loving, caring place where people can grow in their faith and reach out to others. Below are five prayers that you can say to ask God to bring unity to your church.

1. Prayer for Unity Among Members

“Dear God, we ask You to help us come together as one family in Christ. Remind us that we are all here to love and serve You. Please take away anything that might divide us, like differences in opinions or backgrounds. Help us focus on what brings us together—our love for You and for each other. May our unity show the world how great Your love is. Amen.”

It’s easy to let our differences get in the way of unity, especially when people have different ideas or backgrounds. This prayer asks God to help us focus on what unites us, which is our love for Him and our mission to serve.

2. Prayer Against Division

“Father, we ask that You protect our church from division. Division can tear apart the beautiful community You have built. Help us to see when the enemy is trying to cause arguments and problems among us. Give us the wisdom to solve any conflicts with love and kindness, and help us always choose peace. Let our church be a place where love wins over every difference. Amen.”

Sometimes disagreements can lead to division in the church. This prayer is for protection against division and asks God to help the church handle conflicts with love and wisdom.

3. Prayer for Forgiveness and Reconciliation

“Dear Lord, we ask for Your help in forgiving one another. We know that when we forgive, we show love and keep our relationships healthy. If anyone in our church has been hurt, we ask You to bring healing. Help us to let go of any anger or bitterness. Show us how to forgive each other, just as You forgive us, and help us work toward peace and reconciliation. Let love always be the foundation of our church. Amen.”

Sometimes people hurt each other’s feelings, even in church. This prayer asks God to help us forgive one another, which is important for keeping the church family strong and united.

4. Prayer for a Spirit of Humility

“God, we ask You to help us be humble. Humility means putting others first and not thinking of ourselves as better than anyone else. Just like Jesus served others, help us serve each other with love and care. Let us work for the good of the church, not for our own pride or recognition. Amen.”

Humility is one of the keys to unity. This prayer asks God to help us be humble, putting the needs of others before our own and serving them with love.

5. Prayer for Strengthening Fellowship

“Dear God, thank You for the fellowship we have in our church. Fellowship means spending time together and building strong friendships. We ask that You help us grow closer to each other. May our fellowship be full of love, support, and encouragement. Help us make deep, lasting friendships that show Your love to the world. Let our church be a place where people feel welcome and loved. Amen.”

Fellowship is important for building a strong and united church. This prayer asks God to help us strengthen our relationships with each other, making the church a loving and welcoming place.

 Prayers for Leadership

Church leaders have a big responsibility. They guide the church, make important decisions, and teach others about God. But being a leader isn’t always easy. Church leaders need prayer too, because their role comes with many challenges. Here are five prayers you can say for the leaders in your church.

6. Prayer for Wisdom for Church Leaders

“Dear God, we pray for our church leaders. Please give them wisdom in every decision they make. Help them to always seek Your guidance and to do what is best for the church. May they lead with love, honesty, and a desire to serve You and Your people. Amen.”

Church leaders have to make tough decisions, and they need God’s wisdom to know what’s right. This prayer asks God to give them the wisdom they need to lead the church well.

7. Prayer for Protection Over Leaders

“Father, we ask that You protect our church leaders. Keep them safe from any harm, whether it’s physical, emotional, or spiritual. Strengthen their faith and give them the courage to keep leading, even when it’s hard. Protect their families too, and surround them with Your peace. Amen.”

Being a leader can be tough, and sometimes church leaders face difficult challenges. This prayer asks God to protect them and give them strength.

8. Prayer for Leadership Unity

“God, we pray that You bring unity to our church leaders. Help them to work together as a team, putting aside any personal preferences for the good of the church. May their unity be an example to the rest of the church, and may it lead to greater strength and effectiveness in serving You. Amen.”

Just like the congregation needs unity, so do the church leaders. This prayer asks God to help the leaders work together and stay united in their mission to serve the church.

9. Prayer for Encouragement for Leaders

“Dear Lord, we pray for encouragement for our leaders. Sometimes they feel tired or discouraged. When that happens, please lift them up and give them strength. Surround them with people who will encourage and support them. Remind them that their work is important and that they are making a difference in Your kingdom. Amen.”

Leading a church can be exhausting. This prayer asks God to encourage the leaders when they feel tired or discouraged and reminds them that their work is valuable.

10. Prayer for Vision

“Father, we ask that You give our leaders a clear vision for the future of our church. Help them to see where You want to lead us and give them the courage to follow Your plan. May their vision inspire the whole church to join in and work together for Your glory. Amen.”

Vision is important because it helps leaders know where the church is going and what they should focus on. This prayer asks God to give them a clear vision for the future and the courage to follow it.

Prayers for Church Growth

Growth is an important part of any healthy church. But growth doesn’t just mean having more people attend. True growth also happens when the people in the church grow closer to God and to one another. Here are five prayers to help your church grow both spiritually and in numbers.

11. Prayer for Spiritual Growth

“Lord, we ask for spiritual growth in our church. Help us to grow deeper in our relationship with You. Guide us as we learn more about Your Word and Your will for our lives. Strengthen our faith and help us to encourage each other as we follow You every day. Amen.”

Spiritual growth is about getting closer to God and becoming more like Jesus in the way we think and act. This prayer asks God to help everyone in the church grow in their faith, learn more about the Bible, and live out what they believe. It’s not just about learning—it’s about letting those lessons shape who we are. When we grow spiritually, we also help others in the church grow, creating a strong, faith-filled community.

12. Prayer for Numerical Growth

“Dear Father, we pray that You bring more people to our church. Help us be kind and welcoming to everyone who visits. Let our church grow not just in numbers, but in love, so that new people feel like they belong. As more people come to know You, may our church family grow larger and stronger. Amen.”

Numerical growth means seeing more people come to the church. But it’s not just about the numbers—it’s about helping each new person feel welcomed and loved. This prayer asks God to bring more people to the church and helps the congregation remember that everyone who joins is part of God’s plan. As the church grows, we ask that it remains a place where love and kindness are at the center of everything.

13. Prayer for Bold Evangelism

“God, we ask for courage to share Your good news with others. Sometimes it can be scary or uncomfortable to talk about our faith, but we know it’s important. Help us to be brave and speak about Your love with confidence. Let our church be a light in the community, showing Your love to everyone around us. Amen.”

Evangelism means sharing the message of Jesus with others. It can sometimes feel scary to talk about faith, especially if we’re worried about what people will think. This prayer asks God for courage to step out and share His love with others. When people in the church are bold about their faith, they help the church grow by bringing new people to know and follow Jesus.

14. Prayer for a Heart for the Lost

“Dear Lord, give us a heart that cares for people who don’t know You yet. Help us to see the world the way You do, filled with love and compassion. Let our church be a place that reaches out to those who are lost and hurting. Show us how we can share Your love with those who need it most. Amen.”

Having a heart for the lost means caring deeply about people who haven’t yet found faith in Jesus. This prayer asks God to fill the church with compassion for those who are still searching for truth and love. It reminds us that part of being a Christian is helping others discover the hope and peace that comes from knowing God.

15. Prayer for Discipleship

“Father, we pray that our church would be a place where people grow in their faith. Help us to guide new believers as they start their journey with You. Let us teach them how to follow You with all their heart and live out their faith every day. May our church be a place where people are encouraged and supported in their walk with You. Amen.”

Discipleship means teaching and guiding new believers as they grow in their faith. It’s an important part of church growth because it helps people move from being new Christians to being strong, mature followers of Jesus. This prayer asks God to help the church do a good job of supporting and teaching those who are new to the faith, helping them to grow and thrive in their relationship with God.

Prayers for the Church’s Mission and Outreach

A church isn’t just for its members. It’s also called to look outside and serve the community, as well as share God’s love with people all around the world. When a church is focused on mission and outreach, it’s not just growing inside—it’s also reaching out and making a difference in the lives of others. Here are five prayers to help your church focus on its mission and outreach.

16. Prayer for Outreach Opportunities

“Lord, we ask You to open our eyes to the needs in our community. Show us how we can reach out and help those around us. Give us the resources and the heart to meet those needs with love and compassion. May our church be a light in the community, serving others and showing them Your love. Amen.”

Outreach is all about helping others, especially those outside the church. Sometimes we may not know where to start or who needs help. This prayer asks God to show us the opportunities around us to serve and care for people in the community. It reminds us that the church should be a place that helps meet the needs of others, showing God’s love in practical ways.

17. Prayer for a Missional Heart

“Dear God, give us a heart that looks beyond ourselves and focuses on serving others. Help us to be a church that’s known for its love and care for the community. Let us be a light to the world, always showing Your kindness and love to those in need. Amen.”

Having a missional heart means being focused on serving others, not just ourselves. This prayer asks God to help the church care about the needs of the world and the people around them. A church with a missional heart is always looking for ways to make a difference, whether it’s through helping people in the community or supporting missions around the world.

18. Prayer for Impactful Ministries

“Father, we pray that the ministries in our church would have a real impact on both our church family and the community. Help us create and support ministries that meet real needs and show Your love. May our ministries bring people closer to You and help them experience Your grace. Amen.”

Church ministries are the different programs and services a church offers to help people. These might include things like youth groups, food pantries, or mission trips. This prayer asks God to make these ministries impactful—meaning that they truly make a difference in people’s lives, both inside and outside the church.

19. Prayer for Global Mission

“Lord, we pray for Your work around the world. Help our church to be part of spreading the gospel to every nation. Guide us in supporting missionaries and sharing Your love with people everywhere. May we be part of bringing the good news of Jesus to all corners of the earth. Amen.”

While outreach often focuses on the local community, global missions are about sharing God’s love with people all over the world. This prayer asks God to help the church support missions in other countries and be part of spreading the gospel to the ends of the earth.

20. Prayer for God’s Guidance in Growth

“Father, we trust that all growth comes from You. Please guide us as we seek to grow both spiritually and in numbers. Help us to always do what is in line with Your will and for the glory of Your kingdom. Let us trust in Your timing and Your plans for our church. Amen.”

Growth, both spiritual and numerical, comes from God. This prayer asks for His guidance in every step of the church’s growth process. It reminds us to trust in God’s timing and to know that He is the one who brings real growth, not through our efforts alone but through His power and plan.


Prayer is the foundation of any strong, growing, and united church. It’s through prayer that we connect with God and ask for His help in making our church everything He wants it to be. As you pray for your church, remember that growth and unity don’t happen overnight. They take time, patience, and lots of faith. But with God’s guidance, your church can become a place where love, faith, and service to God are at the center of everything.

Whether you’re praying for unity among church members, wisdom for leaders, spiritual growth, or outreach opportunities, these 20 prayers can help guide your heart and your church in the right direction. Keep praying, keep believing, and watch as God works to grow your church in ways that are beyond anything you could imagine.

Final Encouragement

As you continue to pray, be sure to include your church in your regular prayer time. Encourage others to join you in praying for growth and unity. When the entire church prays together, it invites God to work in powerful ways, bringing about the changes that will help your church grow stronger in love and faith.

With these prayers, your church can grow into a community where people feel loved, cared for, and inspired to serve God and others. Keep your heart open to what God wants to do, and trust that He is working behind the scenes to build a church that reflects His love to the world.

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